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Job Boards

Handshake is the career management system for Clark University students and alumni.

Users will find thousands of internship and job opportunities in a diverse array of industry and geographical settings, as well as valuable resources tailored for Clark students.

Students can log in here with their Clark credentials, and find answers to frequently asked questions on our Handshake page.

Alumni and Employers should visit our Handshake page.

View Listing

Other Job Boards

LinkedIn: A professional networking tool that allows you to identify potential contacts in your field of interest; research companies; and explore career options. Visit Clark’s LinkedIn page to search for alumni. and Two sites that pull together job postings from multiple places, including company websites.

Idealist: A comprehensive resource for careers and volunteer positions in the nonprofit world.

How do I locate alternate job boards for my field or industry?

  1. Search using Google: “Job boards for (name industry or profession).”
  2. Look at the websites for professional organizations in your industry.
  3. Ask professionals (e.g., alums, colleagues, supervisors, professors, friends of parents, etc.) in that industry what boards they know about or use.
  4. Go to conferences for your industry — there may be on-site job boards or “meet-the-employer” events.
  5. Check the job boards list at the bottom of every page on the What Can I Do With This Major? site.

U.S. Government Jobs: A comprehensive site for jobs in the federal government.

Go Government: An initiative from the Partnership for Public Service that lists federal jobs and internships.

Mass Careers: A listing of government positions in Massachusetts.

U.S. Department of Commerce Commercial Service Internships: Volunteer internships in the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service (US&FCS). 

U.S. Department of State Internships

NGOJobBoard: Listing of jobs and careers in international relief and nongovernmental organizations.

PublicServiceCareers: A site with job listings for public service/public affairs jobs(mostly public administration and policy)

  • Dice: Tech jobs of all kinds
  • VentureFizz: Tech jobs and podcasts, especially for the Boston area
  • Wellfound: Tech jobs (and more) at startups

Please go to our NEW identity-conscious resource pages.

Media, Language and Culture Art, graphic design, illustration, motion graphics, photography, web design Graphic design, 3D design, illustration, multi–media design Media Match + Music Jobs, film, TV, music and gaming Tech jobs, gaming Social media, advertising, public relations, film, tv design, publishing Creative roles, from PR and marketing to broadcast journalism 

Visual and Performing Arts Theater (acting, internships, admin, design, tech) New York Foundation for the Arts Illustration, animation, marketing, writing, film, gaming, studio arts, product design, music, photography, visual design Film and video production

Culture and Humanities Creative employment in Massachusetts Arts/culture/humanities jobs Social-impact jobs

Museums American Alliance of Museums Association of Living History, Farm, and Agricultural Museums New England Museum Association Jobs

Niche Environmental career opportunities

Contact Information

Career Connections Center

Office Location

Shaich Family Alumni and Student Engagement Center (ASEC Building)
939 Main St.
Worcester, MA 01610


1-508-421-3752 Fax